Access, Opportunity, and Impact Commitment


Our Commitment

Access, Opportunity, and Impact Commitment: Learning abroad can make a positive difference in every student's life. CEA CAPA致力于提供宝博体育的机会,尊重学生个人和他们的家庭以及他们的东道国.

What We Are Doing



CEA CAPA正在对访问、机会和影响(AOI)进行长期投资。. We are embedding the principles into all aspects of our organization, 并确保AOI是每个人角色和责任的积极组成部分.



Our commitment extends to offering high-quality, well-supported experiences designed for all students, and providing a positive environment for all of our staff, faculty, and students around the world.



CEA CAPA将继续建立解决访问问题的能力和能力, Opportunity, 并通过同事的专业发展影响整个组织,这些同事将参与并完成这项工作的认证计划.

Our AOI Leadership Council

The Access, Opportunity, 和影响(AOI)领导委员会致力于通过建议将AOI嵌入CEA CAPA, advocating, and endorsing initiatives, while empowering teams to elevate and sustain their efforts. The leadership council is comprised of CEA CAPA colleagues, both domestic and international, from various business functions throughout the organization.

AOI Leadership Council

Access, Opportunity, and Impact Stories

Studying Abroad as a Person of Color in Granada, Spain
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Studying Abroad as a Person of Color in Granada, Spain

CEA CAPA Alum, Sabina Ali, 详细介绍了她在格拉纳达作为有色人种在国外生活和学习的经历, Spain. Learn more.

Maintaining my Identity while Studying Abroad in Sydney
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Maintaining my Identity while Studying Abroad in Sydney

CEA CAPA明矾Piper详细介绍了她在悉尼留学期间的活动,包括去海滩, trying new food, and making new friends.

Navigating Mental & Physical Health While Studying Abroad
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Navigating Mental & Physical Health While Studying Abroad

CEA CAPA Content Creator, Gisele Magana, 分享了她在伦敦留学期间是如何处理心理和身体健康的. Read more.

Resources and Links

Embarking on your international adventure? 浏览这些资源,庆祝你的独特身份,并提供丰富的国外经验的见解!

  • -海外多元化网络的学生服务部门,为多元化和代表性不足的学生提供获取资源和建立社区的空间. It features blogs, scholarships, and specific resources for preparing to go abroad, living abroad, and coming home.
  • U.S. State Department’s Student Website -涵盖了从缺席投票到旅行者清单到不同群体身份的资源的所有内容, 这是一个很好的网站,可以从政府那里了解关于如何准备出国的官方信息.
  • Center for Disease Control and Prevention -按国家为留学学生提供的关于疫苗的具体信息, medicines, and medical advice.

Make sure to take the time to learn about the cultural norms, gender roles, stereotypes and politics of where you might like to go abroad. Think about how those differing ideas, attitudes, behaviors and laws might impact your experience overseas.

Make sure to take the time to learn about the history, stereotypes and politics of where you might like to go abroad. Think about how that history, attitudes, behaviors and laws may impact your experience overseas, 以及在那个国家独特的历史背景下对你的种族或民族的看法.


Additional Resources

Make sure to take the time to learn about the cultural norms, gender roles, stereotypes, and politics of where you’re going abroad. Think about how those differing ideas, attitudes, behaviors, and laws might impact your experience overseas.

Make sure to take the time to learn about the cultural norms, gender roles, stereotypes and politics of where you’re going abroad. Think about how those differing ideas, attitudes, behaviors and laws might impact your experience overseas.

Make sure to take the time to learn about the cultural norms, gender roles, stereotypes and politics of where you’re going abroad. Think about how those differing ideas, attitudes, behaviors and laws might impact your experience overseas.

每个州都有自己的关于退伍军人教育基金的立法. 一定要查清楚这些信息,因为有些人可以同时获得联邦和州退伍军人教育基金. Funds apply differently depending on the program, 一定要向你所在大学的退伍军人事务办公室咨询,了解更多关于你具体情况的信息.